Friday, October 10, 2008

Does this Ever get any Easier???

This is my little David. I am dropping him off at school once again. I swear they grow everyday! For about the first month I would walk him into his class, now he insists on walking in by himself. I had to follow him without him knowing the first couple of times to make sure he could really get there... now I just sit in the car and watch him go inside that big school building. A couple of days ago when I dropped him off I got teary eyed so this day I brought my camera to take my mind off it and capture the moment. I love my boys. They are so sweet and are constantly saying "mom,... I love you!" I love them too!


Kizzie said...

I cry just thinking about my boys getting older! Your boys sure are cute!

About the digital scrapbooking, I use a program I bought called scrapbookmax(.com), And there are so many free downloads available that you probably wouldn't even have to buy anything else. There's also a website,, that I've heard a lot of people talk about. It's free and you just make your pages on the website and I think you can save them to your computer. There's also a free program I tried before I bought one,, it's alright but doesn't have as many options as some others. Anyway, it's fun and adicting, I've downloaded so much paper and kits I love it. This pretty much turned into the longest comment ever. So, if you have any questions just shoot me an email Kizziew(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said...

Holy crap they are cute! I miss them so much. Hey I want to see pic's of your new house and the colors you painted the walls. Are you getting used to living there now? I changed my background on the cutest blog on the block. I figured it out and it was so much easier. Thanks for liking my playlist. Maybe I will post a few new songs on there some day for your listening pleasure. I like your playlist too. Especially those cute church songs. How did you find those? I guess you can get any kind of music off the internet these days. I am so excited my parents are coming tomorrow. We are going to the aquarium and it's going to be awesome. Love ya girl.

Unknown said...

Hey I was snoopy and just read Kizzie's comment about digital scrapbooking. I just started to get into that because 1) It's way easier than scrapbooking, 2) I am making Christmas books for my mom and Grants mom for Christmas. I do it on, but if there is a better one out there that let's you make photo books and sends them to you, I would like to get in on that if the pages are cuter and funner. Let me know if this is what you are doing and how I can make my books more personal and with cuter pages. Thanks..Heather

Joy said...

Your boys are so cute! I love it when they actually want to be friends...

Robyn said...

Hey. It's funny that you know Kizzie and Andy. Kizzie is Silas's sister and Andy and Silas were friends for a while in Missouri. What a small world. How is life treating you? Hope everything's good. I can't believe how big your boys are!

Zach and Shanna said...

What a darling picture of your boys. And I'm pretty sure it won't ever get any easier...even when they have babies of their own! (Darn it)

Tiffany said...

Cutiest little guys ever! Glad I finally found your blog! You are awesome!