Wednesday, October 22, 2008


AND TO THE WOMAN WHO GAVE ME is a shout out to you.Stay tuned for 27 reasons I love you mom!
I am 27 now, thus the reason for 27...
(Is it bad to just go back in and add things to a post??? Well here goes for the 27 reasons I love and appreciate my mom...)
1. She is beautiful inside and out. (Look at how beautifully she has gone gray.)
2. She is patient. (She has four out of five of her kids living with her now.)
3. She's got a beautiful singing voice. (She sings in the Heritage Choir in St. George, and I miss hearing her singing in sacrament meeting.)
4. She went to almost every girls camp I did as a YW. (The only reason I know this is because one year I really missed hearing her singing "Oh what a beautiful morning" at the but crack of dawn.)
5. She is a team player and gets stuff done. (If you give her an assignment she always goes above and beyond to help.)
6. She is supportive. (She lets me make my own decisions and then supports me in them whether she likes them or not.)
7. She is dependable. (This kinda goes along with 5, but if I need her she is there!)
8. She is respectful of mine and others space and always has been.(Growing up I could have left my journal out and knew that she would not read it.)
9. She is a peacemaker. (She has my two older brothers at her house now... and if you know their relationship you know it takes a peacemaker to live with them together.)
10. She is loyal!
11. She listens super well, and only shares her opinion when asked. (This is huge for me, I have had to learn from her example.)
12. She is sooo honest. (I have learned this from her and tried to follow her example as well.)
13. She is a great example. (Don't all of these examples testify of that?)
14. She is a wonderful grandma. (She loves my boys and the and the other 8 grandkids that are living with her. She doesn't even call the step ones, "step" they are her grandkids too!)
15. She works hard (even still) for her family.
16. She loves her family! (ALL OF THEM, she has nine brothers and sisters, and practically knows all 30+ of their kids names and birthdays by heart.)
17. She loves my dad and always did! (As do I, he was the BEST dad ever.)
18. Did I say her gray hair is amazing and BEAUTIFUL!
19. She has a beautiful smile.(When she uses it, she is definitely not cheesie.)
20. She welcomes people in her home anytime. (All through the years I couldn't even tell you how many people we had living with us. It was a party!)
21. She is giving. (She would do anything she possibly could for me or anyone else.)
22. She shares her extras. (She has got this great craft room that I usually use stuff from when I go there, I don't even need to go to the craft store, she's got it all right there.)
23. She is talented. (Singing-which was previously mentioned, she can sew just about anything, she can paint just about anything, she can nit just about anything, need I say more? You should see some of the quilts and afghans she has done.)
24. She is very forgiving. (She may not forget, but she can surely forgive! I was a tiny bit of a stinker and she still loves me but she sometimes doesn't let me forget.)
25. She gave me life!!!!
26. She is thoughtful. (Always the first to call me on my birthday and other occassions.)
27. AND LASTLY, but certainly not least... SHE LOVES ME!
I hope you all know and love my mom a little more because of this. She is great! I love you mom!
This is my mom and I when we went to get my little bro. from his mish in Rome, Italy.


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Leann! You look just as cute as you ever did. Have a great one!

Unknown said...

Oh, I am stupid...I read that wrong. I already wished you a happy Birthday Rill, but here goes again..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY RILLA...Hope you had a good one. I need to call you. Love ya

The Sandy Bottom Crew said...

happy birthday!!! I hope you had a good day, i wish i would have known and we could have done something fun!

Angee Leishman said...

You pretty much have all of those same qualities, except for the grandma part! That was very sweet! Thanks for sharing!

Margaret said...

Yup. Rella. I love her too. And you too. You really are just like her. WE are so blessed.

Haven said...

Happy Birthday (late)!!! What a fun idea for a post. How thoughtful. You and your mom have a really special relationship.

Shasta said...

Sorry I missed your birthday luv! I am thinking about you now and wishing you the best!

Happy B Day!