Friday, July 17, 2009

Summer Fun...

First of all, for the most recent news our guinea pigs had babies...
Four of them, and they are absolutely adorable!!!!This is some of my cousins at the Harry Potter movie,
in case you can't tell there is Hermoine, a Weesley, Harry and his owl Hedgwick(sp?).
I have not seen the movie but I helped get these guys ready and they loved the movie.
For FHE we went to a really fun park in St. G. It is a new one across the river from my in-laws home.

My bro and sis -in-law have a pool in there back yard (which is basically a necessity in St. G). We have been swimming there a ton!

This is a not so good picture of my boys at Seven Peaks before we ventured to St. G for the summer. Can't wait to go to 7 Peaks this weekend!

That is a little bit of what we have been up to. I Love my family and feel so blessed to have them. And all of my friends that I feel are practically family. They all make life a little easier and a lot more enjoyable!


Hickman Family said...

Hey guys, we missed you at the reunion! Looks like you are still having a great summer. Tell your family all hello!