Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I have been blog surfing and have seen quite a few funny blogs. Mine seems to always be so serious. I have a lot of serious experiences that I want to share, but that does not mean that I am serious all the time. I promise. I have Fun!

So here is another serious post...

Last week in Sunday school a guy shared a scripture that said we are basically commanded to bare testimony and share the spiritual things we are taught.

So here is one "AH-HA" moment I had the other day that I consider a spiritual experience and want to share... I am not the best with words and I am not claiming to be the most spiritual person, however if someone else can learn from my experiences then they are definitely worth sharing, even if the sharing only helps me.

I have often wondered about the scripture in the New Testament where Christ asks some guys to leave everything they have and come follow Him. (I was going to look it up, but I haven't so I am just assuming you all know the story) Anyways, I believe the story goes that one of the guys can't give up all his riches and leave everything behind. So then my wondering leads me to thinking what would I do if I was asked to give up everything I had to Follow HIM? Would I be able to do it? Would I do it with a willing, happy heart, and would I even be willing to do it at all???

I have thought how could that actually happen? What would it actually look like? Will we all be asked to walk to Missouri or Adam-ondi-ahmen(sp?)? My ah-ha moment was when I realised that I have, in a way, been asked to give up alot to follow Him (though nothing compared to others, it seems like a lot to me). I maybe have not been the happiest camper the whole way but I recognize He has been with me, supporting me, helping me carry the load I believe He has asked me to carry.

Can you see instances in your life where you have been asked to give up something that you love to follow Him? Some women give up careers to have families, some people give up alcohol or other addictions, some people give up homes, cars, fancy stuff. Some people, when they choose to follow Him, even lose their families. What have you been asked to give up to follow HIM? How have you done? I am glad that I have had this opportunity to examine my attitude and realize that I can do it, only with His help of course.

Here is a picture of the boys at a Roadrunners baseball game in St. G at the Bruce Hurst field. We were able to go to two games this last week together and it was a lot of fun. It's hot, but nice to be doing something together as a family. Thanks to my Uncle Ed for his help. He is the best announcer in the WORLD!

(I started this post on the 8th and finished it on the 15th...)


david and kinsley harper said...

your boys are soooo cute!!!