Sunday, January 11, 2009

For my in-laws...

Christmas Eve at the Leishman home getting ready to open pj's.More pj's...

Then we went to the Nelsons to decorate cookies for Santa...

Thanks to my lousy camera and now my lost phone what you see is what you get... These are my boys in their pj's. David got sponge bob and Joey got Hulk.

What a great Santa to make time out of his busy schedule to see my kids and take pictures with them!
David wanted 1. bouncy ball 2. teddy bear 3. magic wand 4. cookie dough

Joey wanted 1. bouncy ball 2. teddy bear 3. yo yo 4. a game

Santa said he did not htink he would have trouble getting them their wish lists!


Unknown said...

SOOOOO cute. Look at that Jolly old Santa! Wow. Anyways, did you try that cleanse? I am doing the special K challenge right now and so far so good. This is day 2 and I have already lost almost 3 pounds. I think I will stick to this for a while. Gotta burn those holiday pounds. For me, it's training my stomach to eat less. I thought it would be harder for me, but I haven't been tempted at all. Crazy. So hopefully this weight (30 lbs.) will come off soon. Miss ya girl.

Truman and Carol's Mission Blog said...

I'm so glad to see those fun pictures of Christmas at my house. It makes me happy that traditions are being continued in our absence. Too bad about your camera.