Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Post number 100

Well I am feeling like I should have some amazing thing to say for post number 100, but I am not sure I do. I am back to the books and school. I'll save that for another post though.
What I have to say now is amazing to me, I am just not sure about you.
Here are some of my recent thoughts...
I have been learning something personal. It is that we are SAVED by GRACE, after all we can do. I already knew this but have been learning it with a little twist.
I am constantly worrying about if I am doing enough or if I am doing things the "right" way.
I want to go to heaven when I die and live with God and His Son Jesus Christ.
So I worry a lot about if I am going to be good enough.
Do I know enough?
Am I using what I know to the best of my abilities?
Am I living up to my potential?
Am I sharing what I have and what I know/believe enough?
Am I doing what Heavenly Father wants me to, so that I can go to Heaven?
Well the answer is, I don't know.
And frankly, I don't know if it matters.
God knows my heart. Jesus Christ died for Me.
(I am getting tears)
I believe that after all is said and done, the thing that matters most is our relationship with Jesus Christ.
He is our mediator with the Father, the Ultimate judge.
Jesus Christ paid the price for my sins. He paid for my weaknesses and shortcomings. I can be whole through him!
I think how it goes when we die is, we go to Jesus and he takes us to the Father. Or we go to the Father to be judged and he is about to rule us unworthy of Celestial glory and then Jesus Christ steps in and says, "this is my friend, "Dad", I paid the price for her(or him). Please let them in".
Are we a friend to Jesus?
Do we have a relationship with him? What kind of a relationship is it? Do we use the atonement and ask forgiveness of our sins?
He already suffered for us. Are we going to let it be in vain?
I hope how I have said this is not blasphemous. I hope if you are reading this you felt my heart and not just words. I know I still have so much to learn.
I hope this all makes sense.
I am thankful for Jesus Christ. I am thankful for the gospel that teaches me, or helps me remember what I once knew before I was born. I am thankful to know that through Jesus Christ I can be saved. I still need to do all I can do, but I don't think I need to worry about it so much. I feel the focus needs to be more on my relationship with Jesus Christ, our Savior, than on whether or not I am doing EVERYTHING Perfect. I am going to do my best to do what I believe is right, constantly asking for divine help. And then I am going to leave the rest up to my brother, friend, savior, and exemplar, Jesus Christ.
Thanks for stopping by the blog. :)


Unknown said...

That was the perfect 100th post! You are amazing. In my eyes you already have a golden ticket into the celestial kingdom. Step one is just recognizing all those things you mentioned. You're the best and I love that you put it out there like that. Way to be a member missionary!

Mills Family said...

you so often write what are my same thoughts and feelings ...and worries! And you just wrote again what I so often think nd wonder. You are amazing and you inspire me. Thanks for sharing your heart!

The Butterfields said...

so true, and something we all could remember more.

Krebs Krib said...

Marilla! That was such a great post, thanks for sharing that, I totally felt your heart and that was very sweet!! And hearing your music with it was such a peaceful feeling. (pretty much the feeling I want to carry with me all the time) I have had a quote that came to mind when I read your post that I think of often. " Love much and do what we can and he'll take care of the rest "

Hope your doing great! It's great to run into you now and again!
Love, Tara

Malea said...

Hi Marilla! Yeh, we met a couple of times actually. My mom thinks really highly of you. She was just so happy that Dave found someone he totally adored and be sealed in the temple. Your testimony is so strong and genuine. Thanks for stopping by my blog, and I'll keep checking in on yours.

ps, could you do me a solid and influence that great man of yours to send me a Facebook message with some thoughts on Rhett? My mom's birthday is next month and I am making a book for her about my brothers. Doing so without Dave's comments would make it incomplete. If you have anything to add, it would make it even better. Thanks!


Rill, that was exactly what I needed...I have been struggling with the whole church thing right now because we work so much and I always work on Sunday's. I pray every night that my kids will know that being LDS is so important to Rodger and I, but how are they supposed to when we don't put it first...You are such a great person and I admire you for that. Your kids and hubby are very lucky. Your post really hit home to me tonight...Thank You! I hope things are good, keep me in touch.