Monday, September 7, 2009

"Y"? We did it !

For FHE tonight we decided to attempt the Y hike...
Here are the boys at the beginning of the trail...
Resting at a rest point. Check out that view! We wondered if we'd all make it...

We made it to the top of the Y!

Joey is 4 and he made it the whole way without any complaints. He's Tough!!

Awww, so cute! I wore the wrong colors, but oh well.

David wanted to pose here on the way down. He's so handsome!

Here they are at the finish. The camera battery died right after this photo.

I had fun! The trail was easy, but the mountain was steep.
It was great exercise and a nice way to spend time together as a family.
David was asking why we were doing this for FHE, and Dave said "good question". My answer was because we live in Provo so we must hike the Y! I am glad we did it. I would love to do it again, however I may not get my family to join me. Joey said he would do it again. It was a good experience for all.
I bet it is a gorgeous hike as the leaves start changing in the Fall.


Unknown said...

Aww your family is so cute. When are you gonna have another:)

Jenny said...

So, in my blog stalking attempts...I discovered you! Hooray! I am SO much better on following the blogging world rather than facebook, plus I think it's more fun! Your boys are too too cute...I wish we could have gotten together when we were out there visiting a few weeks ago! Hopefully, we'll catch you next time!

Staci said...

How fun I love that hike one time we ventured of the trail to see if we could make it and we did but it was straight up i recommend sticking to the trail!