Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A thought...

I would go into more detail, but I don't have time. I want to go to bed, but someone shared a thought that I heard today and I wanted to share it with those of you who care enough and have time to read my blog...
It goes like this, "maybe God does give us more than we can handle, otherwise why would we need Him?"
Then I thought hmmm maybe that is true... Maybe he gives us more than we can handle to humble us and help us draw closer to Him. (Just a thought.) I am greatful for all the help He gives to me!


Unknown said...

Great thought. I think it's right on. I will ponder that one today :)

Mills Family said...

Yes! I've heard that before and I agree! We can handle all that is before us...WITH GOD'S HELP!! It's the gospel covenant. Alone, we can not endure all. But...WITH god with us...we are as strong enough for whatever is ahead. When we are partnered with Christ, we have available to us HIS strengths and power. The opposition wants us to just focus on OUR strengh (or...weakness really)...but when Christ is our partner (and this is possible through the gospel covenenant), then the possibilities are limitless!...because Christ's strengths and powers are infinite!
Hey Marilla, thanks for sharing your thought! It is one I think about very often-
Hope you're doing good! Life is so busy isn't it?! Everything is always in constant change--

Truman and Carol's Mission Blog said...

It's a wonderful thought and so very true. We have seen that first hand in the mission field. Those who accept the gospel the quickest and with the most determination to serve him and stay faithful are those who live in the most humble circumstances. Those experiences that tend to humble us are not given to us as punishment because the Lord hates us, they are given to us because he loves us and wants us to learn and grow to be more like Him.

Daneene said...

I heard Sheri Dew say something like that once. "Our trials are supposed to be bigger than we are, or there would be no need to turn to Him for help getting through them."
What a blessing to know what we know.

Krista said...

MARILLA!!!! I'm so glad I finally found you...again! I was searching my facebook account cause I thought you put a comment there and wanted to write you back...I finally saw it tonight on my blog! So Hello! And thank you for that comment so long ago..about my daughter and everything. :) You are so sweet. I love your quote right here and I definately agree. I definately leaned on him then more than ever. Guess what husband use to live right next door to you!! Do you know him? He knows your brother Robert. ! What a fun small world eh?? He knows your Mom and Dad and thinks highly of them. I am so sorry I just now realized your Dad passed away like a month before our Senior wonder you are such a great gal!!! Wow.