Sunday, July 25, 2010


Today our lesson in Sunday school was on putting the Lord first and having faith that everything else would fall into place, "seek ye first the kingdom of God..."
We discussed promptings, or situations that require faith to do the Lord's will even when it seems scary and we want to analyze the situation or take care of it ourselves when sometimes we just need to jump in with both feet and trust Him.
I think I am a person of Faith. I trust God. I know He watches out for me and protects me and has my best interest at heart.
Dave and I have been feeling like it is time to have another baby, but I am scared! why? I have my reasons. Anyways, that lesson was just for me. I guess I'll keep you all posted. This is very personal information, but I felt the urge to share, maybe it will help someone else. We all receive promptings at times, but what we do with those promptings is up to us.