Thursday, September 18, 2008

Life is Amazing...

Here is an old picture of Dave and the boys from Father's day. Just wanted to show you all how cute they are. I love them so much! I am so happy that they are willing to take this journey with me. They are so supportive and loving and I don't know who or what I'd be without them.
This picture is also from Father's day... It is something I am looking forward to...These are all of our Leishman nieces and nephews. Dave's parents got their mission call to the West Indes and their mission farewell talks are on the 27th. I am so excited to see all of our families! I know we are not too far away now, and its not like we lived WITH them before, but I really miss all of them. Right now my life is so full and emotional I need them! I feel so many thoughts and prayers coming our way and I know that they are from our family and friends. Thank you!
Then here are a couple of my nieces at a family reunion this Summer with David and Joey. I am excited to see all of my family next weekend.
Here is an old one of David and Joey at Wal Mart riding Pumba, they love these stupid things, and it is ok with me cuz its cheap entertainment. It helps them be good while shopping so that they can earn a ride on Pumba...
Last but certainly not least Joey in His BYU attire. I have looked through all of the boxes that were computer room stuff and I can't seem to find my cord to download pictures from my camera, so I took this one on my cell phone just barely, and here it is for all of your viewing. Joey and I get to spend time just with each other while David is at school. Why is it that my boys are so much better when they are alone, versus when they are together. They play good together, but they wrestle and play loud!
I am really enjoying BYU and all of my classes. I can't wait to help people, as a Social Worker. There have been so many thoughts and blessings that I have noticed lately and I want to share them all here with you, but there's just so many. I'll try to do better now that my internet is working and share them as they come, assuming the thoughts and blessings will continue. I bought this hat at a BYU game that my brothers and uncle came up to. Daves parents also came up for the same game, it was a fun day.
I have met so many NEAT people lately and feel so blessed for that. We had a regional conference that was so spiritual and were able to go to a CES fireside, by Elder Holland. He spoke about trials and making them a liberty jail type experience. It was very good! I wish I could write his whole talk here, it was great! You can probably find it online...Anyways I won't keep you all. I love you and appreciate all your thoughts.


Tiffany said...

I love that picture of Dave and the boys!!

Lyndy Butler said...

Ya! I am so glad you are back in the digital world. I miss you Rell and I love to hear that things are going so well for you guys.

Haven said...

Your boys are so handsome, Rill! I can't believe you've got a child kindergarten age! Time flies so quickly, doesn't it?