Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Good for you...

A thought I had driving home today...

First off, If this blog bores some of you, sorry.
If this blog helps even one person, GREAT!
And you know what, this blog helps me so that's enough. I'll be honest I really like to put pictures with my posts, but my camera is broken and my desktop computer is too. I do not have many pics on my laptop so I just journal in my posts. I do not like to read many blogs, I like pics, so I try to keep this interesting, but if it's not for you, that's ok.

Today the ah-ha thought went like this... I was driving home from work and I past/passed a lady who's car had a bumper sticker that said "my grandkids are cuter than yours." I thought good for you. I. do. not. care. I am NOT a competitive person. In fact I really dislike competition! I am happy with who I am and I hope you are happy with who you are. We are all different and different is good. Different makes life more interesting!
I like to play games where everyone wins. I like to play games just for fun, not to win. (That is why I cheat when I play games, cuz it makes the game funner, funnier, and more interesting for me :).
I love to laugh and have a good time! I do not like to compare myself or my kids to you or anyone else(s).
Love you,


Cameron and Nonie said...

I like to read your blog. It's good food for thought. And, I like you for who you are too. Don't change.