Friday, December 17, 2010


WARNING: This may be a long and boring journal post to some of you.

Every morning at work we have a meditation with the clients. I love it.
Today during meditation my mind was thinking and bringing up many emotions.
1. I am so grateful for good friends. Seriously, life is so much easier and funner and blessed with good friends. I get emotional a lot of times thinking about friends. I am thankful that my family members are my friends. I have some of the BEST family in the whole world who I consider my Best Friends. Love you all!
2. Then I thought of my friends babies and I love babies! I want to hold them and love them and help take care of them since I do not have my own at this point.
3. Then I thought of the history in the Provo Tabernacle as I thought of it burning this morning on my way to work. As I was driving I saw fire trucks pouring water into the beautiful structure. The streets were blocked off. Although I have never been in that building, that I recall, I felt sadness as I looked there and thought of all the history that building must represent.
4. Then I thought of my blessings. I am so blessed. I am so gratedul to have a job. I am grateful to have my education. I am so grateful to be able to afford all the necessities of life, Plus some. I am so grateful for my health. I am thankful for my body, it is an amazing piece of God's miraculous work. I am thankful to be a mother. I am thankful for my boys. Even though they can be rough at times and I do not have the best patience, I love them and am grateful for all they teach me. It is such an amazing miracle to even have the opportunity to be a mother. I want to be more grateful to others for who they are to me.
5. Then I thought of this time of year. I Love Christmas! I am so thankful I am done with my Christmas shopping early so I can now think of other things, like Jesus Christ and family, and just feel the peace of the season. My mind was racing during meditiation and I was a tiny emotional, so I wanted to come in my office and journal my thoughts as I wait for the next client.
6. Last thought to share was about the priesthood and being able to receive blessings. I am glad there are men in my life that I can ask for a blessing when needed.