Saturday, October 25, 2008

Lately... IT"S FALL!

Here are a few things we have been doing to enjoy the Fall weather....Dave took the boys outside yesterday to play in leaves and make a scarecrow. I didn't do too well getting the camera out for all of it, but I did have my phone and took these two.
David and Joey at Albertsons. I thought this was cute and they wanted to take a picture anyway so I agreed.
I tried to get everyone to put their heads in here, but noone else would. Love my Joey!
We went to a corn maze family place for FHE with some neighbors.
We love this time of year!


Kizzie said...

How fun! We went to Hee Haw farms a week ago and Avery loved it! He want down that huge slide over and over again...I'm almost tempted to take him back!
Your boys sure are cute!