Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Well I hope that it is ok to post twice in one day, cuz I feel like it. I just wanted to put these pictures up to show off some of the angels that I have in my life.

First is my Dad! He is the best! I'll have to post another time just about him... In fact some day I am going to write a book about our relationship! I feel like he was the best example a Father could be... when he made mistakes he said sorry and did his best to reconcile them... And he loved me and my siblings unconditionally... so much to write so little time!
My family would always go Deer Hunting in October, sometimes I would go, other times I would stay home and have a Birthday party with just the girls...

This is a Photo of my maternal Uncles at a reunion in Bear Lake, Id. My Grandpa has been one of my angels for 15 or so years.

These are my Paternal grandparents. I love them very much. I have in fact felt my grandma near me quite a bit lately. This is the Grandma who I recieved my first name from, Marilla. If I had more time I would post some of Elder Hollands talk from this last conference on Heavenly and Earthly Angels.... but I don't so I'll post some another time.


Anonymous said...

Aw, great post! Your Dad was such a great man! The picture of him in his UPS uniform takes me back 10 years ago...

And I just emailed you back, but I made a dork out of myself, your oldest looks so much like your dad, what a blessing!

Zach and Shanna said...

You're so inspirational and amazing! I love reading your blog!

Mills Family said...

thanks for that post! I too loved Bro Jeff Hollands general conference talk about angels around us. Lov, Lisa

Unknown said...

Your dad was amazing! That picture reminds me exactly how I remember him!