Tuesday, November 30, 2010


To add on another reason for being grateful for technology is because I woke up this morning and the water heater was not working. :( I had a cold shower and I'm sick. It's fixed now though.

30. Anyways for my final thankfulness of November I'm not sure what to put. I have enjoyed this month worth of posts. Being grateful makes me realize how much I have and it makes me happy. I am grateful for so many things. I think I covered just about everything that is most important to me. I truly am grateful for being able to have this experience we call life. I am grateful for the good and the bad, the happy and the sad cuz ultimately I believe all these experiences help me become more like God and His loving son Jesus Christ.
Thanks for stopping by to read my blog.


Lyndy Butler said...

you are an inspiration Rella roo.
I loved reading about your gratefuls. and I am super jealous of your conference call with everyone.
I love you and hope I get to see you again soon. and not at a gas station. even though I am very grateful for gas station visits.

Unknown said...

You're cute! Hope you have a happy joyful holiday season. We will be flying into Spokane on the 16th of Dec. Staying in Boise for Christmas, and making our way to St. George. Hope you'll be around.